LPP Tomato H/M

Detalles de la oferta de empleo

Información general

Entidad adjunta

Acerca de Vilmorin-Mikado
Vilmorin-Mikado es un productor de semillas franco-japonés especializado en el desarrollo, la producción y la venta de semillas de hortalizas para profesionales desde 1743. Como socio responsable de la cadena alimentaria vegetal, Vilmorin-Mikado se compromete a mejorar la alimentación de las personas de todo el mundo. Nuestra amplia gama de semillas, únicas y originales, se distribuye entre los cinco continentes en más de 100 países. Vilmorin-Mikado cuenta con más de 1.000 empleados y registró unas ventas de 230 millones de euros en 2022-2023, de los cuales el 15% se dedicó íntegramente a la investigación. Líder mundial en zanahoria y endibia, Vilmorin-Mikado es también una figura clave en ensalada, tomate, pimiento dulce, calabaza kabocha, rábano daikon y cebolla de ramillete. A través de su actividad con las semillas de árboles, iniciada por sus fundadores hace casi tres siglos, Vilmorin-Mikado contribuye activamente a la renovación sostenible de los bosques. www.vilmorinmikado.com- #VilmorinMikado
Vilmorin-Mikado forma parte de Limagrain, una cooperativa agrícola y un grupo semillista internacional propiedad de agricultores franceses. Limagrain selecciona, produce y comercializa semillas de cultivos extensivos, semillas hortícolas y productos agroalimentarios. Centrado en el progreso genético de las plantas, Limagrain es el cuarto semillista mundial. www.limagrain.com - #Limagrain  



Descripción puesto



Jornada laboral

A tiempo completo



Propósito de la posición

For the Southeast commercial region as defined by the Company, the job involves the assistance ofvthe Product development manager in:

• Coordinating the launch of new varieties,
• Managing the product development range of products and supporting sales actions
• Monitoring the market,
• Challenging forecasts for new varieties.
For the species assigned by the Product Development Manager, tomato and tomato rootstock mainly.

Descripción de la misión

General Mission:

o   Coordinating the launch of new varieties.

o   Managing the product development range of products and supporting sales actions

o   Monitoring the market.

o   Challenging forecasts for new varieties.

For the species assigned by the Development Manager. Mainly tomato, rootstocks and aubergines.

Competencias: lo que esperamos de usted

Must have:
Knowledge / experience on the field and the seed business.
Product vision & goal oriented.
Excellence in team spirit.
Solving problem attitude, well organized & synthetic approach.
Confirmed experience on product Development or Sales.
Open minded and ability to work in multicultural environment.
Agricultural engineer background with strong interest for field work.
Self-starter and pro-active personality - The taste for challenge

Fluent Spanish, English speaking.
Availability for traveling in the area of responsibility
Senior using Windows Pack office

Sus ventajas y su entorno de trabajo


Assist the Product Development Manager for the following activities:

• To allocate the availability of seed samples of each variety for the development trials within its
area & segment. Manage seed sample inventory at local level
• To schedule, coordinate and implement development trials DV1 and DV2 (sometimes T3 with
marketing) in its area & segment with the following objectives:
‐ to judge the agronomic performance and the adaptability of a variety in comparison to
leading varieties within the market
‐ to evaluate the adaptability of the variety with respect to the target.
‐ to start the identification of the competitive advantages, the selling points and the hurdles
to overcome
• To carry out and update market research studies (segmentation, analysis of the competition,
tracking and identification of the dynamic forces that drive change). To continuously improve the
knowledge of the market by type of client with the objective of contributing to the development
of business plans and strategic plans.
• To organize the promotional events developed and conducted for the benefit of both direct and
indirect clients. To organize market visits for clients.

• To propose to the Development Manager, establish, monitor, implement and roll out of the
annual external communication plan and its budget as define with external communication
department in La Ménitré, France.
• According to the positioning given by the marketing, to develop the sell



Ubicación del puesto

Localización del puesto

Europa, España, Andalousie


Av. de la Innovación, 15, 04160 Almería, España

Requisitos de la candidatura

Nivel mínimo de estudios requerido

Título de Máster/Licenciatura o equivalente

Nivel de experiencia mínimo requerido

Más de 3 años


  • Español (Lengua materna)
  • Ingles (Profesional)


Puesto vacante hasta
